“Eric Chamchoum: A celebrated entrepreneur, artist, and philanthropist, whose passion and creativity have touched lives in West Africa and around the world. Join us in celebrating his remarkable journey on his birthday.”.
Let's Celebrate My Birthday By Fighting Hunger in Africa
Dear Friends and Family,
Join me in making my birthday more meaningful. Your involvement will be the greatest gift I could receive.
I’m launching this campaign to support a cause that’s close to my heart: fighting hunger in Africa. The stark reality is that millions of people in Africa, especially children, go to bed hungry every night.
Within UNHCR’s campaign that targets 23 million people in Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia who are highly food insecure, facing severe hunger and water shortages, my birthday wish today is to raise funds that will contribute to making a significant impact and bring hope to those who need it the most.
Every contribution, no matter how small, can make a huge difference.
Donate Now
Can feed 15 families with nutritious fruits and vegetables for a month
Can provide 15 families with seeds and tools to set up kitchen gardening for a season
Can support 15 families with cash for a month to help them by what they need most
Please make sure the amount is between 5 and 20,000 USD
For bank transfer donations please click here.
campaign_code=GUEN06HA01 Food Assistance Eric/EV