FAQ-Legacy - UNHCR



Listed below are the most common questions we receive from our donors. We hope you find this information helpful.
Don’t see your question here? Email us at [email protected].

Q & A

What is Gifts in Wills?

Gifts in Wills is a donation passed to an organization or individual as part of your Will. It is the legacy you leave behind when you pass away and can have a lasting impact on the lives of others.

How do I write my will?

If you are creating a Will, we suggest you consult a legal adviser to ensure that your Will is valid, and your wishes are expressed accurately. However, the court do provide a will writing template.

How will UNHCR use my gift?

Your donation to UNHCR will fund the critical work of UNHCR around the globe. A gift in your will would be a wonderful act of solidarity with refugees and displaced people, and ensures that, in the future, people forced to flee will be provided with protection, shelter and the services they need to sustain their families.

Is writing a will Sharia-compliant?

Yes, Muslims are entitled under Sharia principles to give up to one-third of their estate under a Will to a selected beneficiary.

Can Muslims donate to a charity in their will?

Yes, Muslims can allocate a portion (up to one-third) of their estate for donations to charities or causes of their choice.

Do I have to leave a specific percentage or set amount?

No, you can leave any amount or type of gift you wish, including art, jewellery, real estate, or stocks.

Can I decide where the money goes to?

Yes, you can decide where and to what program you would like to allocate your donation.

How can I find more information on the legal process of writing a will?

You can click [here] to access a document that explains the legal process of writing a will. For further clarification, please feel free to contact our Relationship Manager at [email protected].