Every Gift Counts in Ramadan - UNHCR

You extended your Ramadan tables with kindness

Thank you!

Your kindness brought joy and comfort to displaced families in need.

To every single person who joined in and supported our Ramadan Table campaign with their donations, Zakat and Sadaqah – we cannot thank you enough for your generosity.

Your compassion brought warm meals, clean drinking water, safe shelter and so much more to vulnerable refugees and displaced families around the world, and for that we are truly grateful.

You gave refugee parents peace of mind and brought smiles to the faces of their children. You helped displaced elderlies with the support they need to take care of themselves, and most of all, you let them all know that through the hardships they face every day, they are not alone.

From all of us here at UNHCR, thank you for being a light in the darkness for those in need, at Ramadan and always.

How many refugee families can you share your table with?

How much would you like to give


Please make sure the amount is between 5 and 20,000 USD

This monthly gift goes to the most vulnerable families

For bank transfer donations please click here.

How much would you like to give


Please make sure the amount is between 5 and 20,000 USD

For bank transfer donations please click here.

I have chosen to donate USD One Time

Please fill in your personal information.

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email of the person you’d like to receive this tribute, if applicable
phone number of the person you’d like to receive this tribute, if applicable

campaign_code=GUEN20GD73 Ramadan 2024